During my PhD (yes, I am a sucker for punishment), I met a remarkable scientist conducting research in the same institute. This scientists was not in the same lab, not even on the same floor, we did not lived in close proximity and our ethical position whilst seemingly both ‘left wing’ were very different. Nevertheless, the 5 months our time overlapped at the institute was enough to establish a tangible connection, so much so that over a decade later we are still strong.
During my undergraduate I studied various chemistry units where I met a remarkable chemist. I knew this chemist to speak to, to engage with, but not much else. At the time, this chemist appeared mature, controlled, level headed and goal orientated – attributes easily admired, unless you lack ALL of them. Years later (8 to be exact), I came to work with this chemist. The chemist is now a friend I could not live without (the chemist is still mature, controlled, level headed and goal orientated, the only difference being is that I finally (perhaps only marginally) caught up).
During my high school years I was often one of the few girls in my class. I wore a lot of sh#%, more often than not, said sh#% was thrown at me by one individual. Appearances are often misleading; this individual understood be back then and understands me now.
The point?
Recognition. Friendships seem haphazard, random, spontaneous, but in my experience they arrive exactly when you need them and exactly when you are ready for them. If you don’t feel like you have ‘a people’, you just haven’t recognised them yet.
Inspiration & Acknowledgement goes to the two movie going stooges from last night. My people.